Beth Perry
Psychosynthesis Life Coach
Are you longing to make a difference in the world?
Are you stuck in old patterns, burned out and frustrated with aspects of your career and life?
I am passionate about helping heart-centered seekers, entrepreneurs, and change makers who know they came here to make a positive impact on the world, become deeply connected to their purpose and take action to bring their unique gifts to the world.
My Approach
Psychosynthesis Life Coach
"Psychosynthesis is a method of psychological development and Self realization for those who refuse to remain the slaves of their own inner phantasms or of external influences, who refuse to submit passively to the play of psychological forces which is going on within them, and who are determined to become the master of their own lives."
​- Roberto Assagioli
We are all on our own journey of discovery and growth.
Along your journey, you may experience challenges, patterns of resistance, and limiting beliefs that can get in the way of living your best life and making a positive impact in your community, and the wider world.
Life coaching supports you through these challenges and guides you toward manifesting your best life. Psychosynthesis Life Coaching focuses on the integration or “synthesis” of the many and varied aspects of who you are, including the spiritual Self or Soul. The benefits of coaching from this perspective are authentic connection to wholeness, increased self-awareness, and long-lasting positive changes in perspective. This expansion of a foundational understanding of who you truly are, influences and energizes your decisions and actions resulting in a life that is a true reflection of your authentic Self.
I believe the role of a coach is to co-create a safe and collaborative container to discover and explore who you truly are and what you want to create in your life and in the world. I believe you are creative, capable, resourceful, and whole. I will work with you to connect with your purpose, identify and clear obstacles, and support your unique path to a more meaningful and authentic life.